
We Ranked Top 15 Bestselling Sodas in The World

13. Minute Maid (Brand Value: $1.2 billion)

Next up with $1.2 billion brand value is a part of The Coca-Cola Company, Minute Maid. Commonly associated with orange juice drinks, the brand has extended its playground to sodas through several soft drink products as seen on the picture above.

Founded more than seventy years ago as Florida Foods Corporation, Minute Maid is the largest marketer of fruit juices and drinks in the world today. And some of their products have been the trend-setters for orange juice market, such as those with pulps or the concentrate ones.

The making of Minute Maid orange juice concentrate actually has a unique story behind it. The company won a $750,000 government contract to produce concentrated orange juice powder for U.S army during the World War II. But before that happened, the war ended and the company decided to create frozen orange juice concentrate instead.

Minute Maid products are sold worldwide. However, in some regions of South America, it is sold under the brand Frugos.

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