
15 Little Things To Appreciate in Life (Part 1)

Here are 15 little things to appreciate in life which many forget to until it’s too late!

Recently we’ve been dealing with a lot of stress and we know most of you deal with it as well, so what better way to deal with this with a quick reminder of little things to appreciate in life?

As humans we tend to get caught up in so many things that we forget to live, we forget we are alive.

Throughout our videos and articles we’ve always underlined the importance of gratitude. No matter how bad your situation is it could’ve always been worse.

Before we start this piece we want you to take a minute and:


This is such a deep thought to get through you mind and even your soul if that’s what you’re into.. That you need time to process it correctly.

There were times when you had less that you have now.

There were times when you WERE less than you are now.

Your journey is advancing for the better, although you might not realize this.

The most important thing to pay attention to during this ride, are the small parts, because the small parts make up the bigger picture.

In today’s article we’re looking at 15 things you shouldn’t take for granted, be grateful you get to experience them and make the most out of them.

As always, here’s the video version as well:

Here are 15 Little Things To Appreciate in Life! – we look forward to your recommendations for part 2!

Number 1: Time you have with your parents
One day your parent will die.

I know this is very strong and sad point to start off an otherwise positive article, but the sooner you accept reality, the sooner you can take action.

We know most families are not perfect, we all have our own issues, but problems are meant to be solved.

You have a deadline on solving the issues you have with your family, on letting them know that they mean so much to you, that despite not giving you everything you wanted, they gave you everything they could give.

Drink a beer with your dad, bring your mom flowers, talk to them about their lives, hug them and tell them you love them.

Do it for both them and yourself, do not postpone this, because if you do.. It might come a day when it’s going to be too late.

Number 2: Enjoying a great meal
Ever since the early days, people gathered around food, that’s why we love it so much.

Great food is an experience, it has less to do with nutrition and more to do with the interaction. Food can open minds, hearts and flood your brain with just the right chemicals.

A good meal will elevate your state of mind, will make your mind wonder: How many more delicious things are out there which I will never taste?

Meals should bring people together. You should enjoy food surrounded by those you care about and be grateful for the opportunity to do so.

Number 3: Sharing drinks with your friends and talking
Life is less fun without friends.

Your inner circle can pull you out of the darkest places, they can provide hope, comfort and put your mind at ease.

Just chatting with friends about the things you find fascinating is sometimes priceless. Add drinks or an experience to the mix and you’re off to a memorable night.

As entrepreneurs, we work a lot and see our friends not as often as we would like, but we make an effort to keep this relationship alive. It doesn’t matter if we haven’t seen each other in 6 months, when we do, it’s just like in the old day, only better because now we’re all doing better than before.

Number 4: Not being sick
Inhale through your nose right now! How amazing is this feeling? Not having a running nose, not having a fever or feeling pain in your body are just some of the things we currently take for granted.

As you’ve realized by know, you only miss these basic things when you don’t have them, so if you needed a lift-me-up moment today, be grateful you are not sick.

You are strong and able to pursue whatever your heart desires in the limits of the construct you’ve created around you. Things could be worse!

Number 5: Reading a good book
Great books are amazing! We said this before but we love the quote so much we’ll say it again:

A man who doesn’t read, lives only once. The man who reads, lives a thousand lives!

It’s just something about immersing yourself in a great book which for a brief period of time dilutes the time on your behalf. You emerge with new feelings, new found knowledge and memories you shouldn’t have in the first place but for which you are grateful.

A great book can change your reality or make you come to peace with it.

Last Sunday we did a very different article where we recommend 15 books to read by the end of the year – especially great for this Summer.

If you don’t feel like reading and prefer listening to audiobooks, go to ALUX.COM/FREEBOOK to get your first audiobook for free courtesy of our partnership with Audible.

Number 6: Baths with your loved one
This might sound weird, but never underestimate the power of a good bath. It’s amazing what it can do for both the body and the soul.

Showers are for practical purposes, but baths, baths are a ritual, they require time and that’s why we love it.

We love spending our spare time on ourselves.

The only thing that can take a bath to the next level is sharing it with your special someone. There’s something even more intimate than sex when taking a bath together. It’s being vulnerable, relaxed and washing each other that’s bonding your spirits more than your body.

Number 7: Playing with your dog
Hands down, dogs are the best! No debate! Done.

Pets are awesome in general, no matter if you have a cat, bunny, parrot or you are into reptiles.
Having a pet will greatly improve your life and make you a better human being all around.

Plus, playing with your dog or just watching your dog play can save you thousands of dollars in therapy.

Just a few years back, we lost our own family dog which has been with us for over 14 years and although we were devastated, the amount of joy and happiness the dog brought into our family was inmensurable.

Something we found fascinating in retrospect is that:

Although as a human you have a dog for a portion of your life, the dog has you for the entirety of his. There’s something both poetic and heart crushing in this!

Appreciate your dog and if your day isn’t going well, go out for a walk.

Number 8: Watching the sun go down
They say the best art is inspired by nature; we believe that some of the best art is nature it self.

When’s the last time you watched the sun go down, like really watch and experience it.

The sky slowly changing colors, blue to peach to pink to darker blue, there’s something priceless in that.

The way the light falls on some of the clouds, the tingle you feel in your gut like you’ve witnessed something extraordinary.

We appreciate sunrises as well, but we found sunsets to be more dramatic and emotional.

Number 9: Not having to pretend you’re someone you’re not. ( Just Being Yourself)
We’ve made it our goal not to wear a mask no matter where we are. People have expectations and fortunately, we are in a position to disregard that and be ourselves.

It’s amazing to not wear a facade, do really be yourself, to act foolish, to laugh with your heart until your eyes get teary.

There are very few people who you can truly be yourself around, so cherish them and make sure they know you appreciate them.

As for the rest of the world, we’re more of the mindset that, the world will adapt to who we are than having us adapt to the way the world wants us to be.

Number 10: Snuggling in bed on a lazy day
Having a lazy day once in a while is actually recommended.

On our channel we’ve talked about pushing hard and hustling non-stop until you get it, but you’ll find out that if you force yourself to be on a continuous sprint, sooner than later you will burn out.

You will feel like you are not making enough progress and choose to quit.

When you get tired, learn to rest, not to quit!

That’s where these lazy days come into play, as long as they are spread out accordingly. The last thing you want is for every day to be a lazy day.

We found that after extended periods of focused work, we get optimum results if we disconnect from work for 24 hours and just do what we feel like doing to get our minds to relax and our bodies to be less tense.

This ties really well with how disciplined you are. If you are serious about changing your life for the better, the most powerful tool anyone can master is DISCIPLINE! It took us over a month to put together our 15 Steps to Master Discipline video which you can check out for free below.

Many of you have sent us incredible messages on instagram shocked with the results you’ve been getting.

Number 11: When your life has an amazing soundtrack
One of the worst things that could happen in your life is having a shitty soundtrack.

Imagine your life is a movie & the soundtrack of your life determines your mood. What would your movie sound like?

Would it be something pumped up like Kanye’s Wolf of Wall Street, like Celine Dion’s Titanic or one of those silent movies?

Appreciate the moments when life falls on the right beat and make the most of it.

Number 12: A hot drink during winter
At least once a year, you should take some time out of your busy schedule and spend time in the snow.

Preferably, at a lodge somewhere in the Alps, but that would be just our pick. Anywhere cold where you have access to a fireplace and surrounded by your inner circle will do.

There’s something so incredible about enjoying a hot beverage after you’ve been out in the cold which warms your heart as much as it does your body.

Last Winter we went to the number 1 Christmas destination in the world, Vienna, where we shoot our second Special.

Number 13: A cold drink on a hot day or on the beach
How many times have you envisioned yourself sitting on a beach chair somewhere in the Maldives overlooking the sea or the ocean holding a cold drink. That’s goals right there… Sorry, we got carried away!

Little things! Cold beer or iced tea during a hot summer day can provide a massive shift into how everything is going.

You appreciate the little things more when they provide almost instant relief from the stress of everyday life.

We do not endorse drinking, but sometimes sharing a cold one with someone you care about can really make you realize life is good, you are living a good life.

Number 14: A Thought provoking conversation
How is it that most amazing parts of life have little to do with things?

Instead they’re more centered about experiences and other people. We find that fascinating.

Some of the best time we spent with our friends were where we would go deep into conversations about life, space, and what is the meaning of all of this.

Just conversing about where we came from, about where we are today as a species, how different we all are, how we all see life through our own 2 eyes and what the future lies ahead of us, give you a greater appreciation of being alive.

A great thought provoking conversation can reveal more about yourself, your life, than years of formal education.

That’s one of the reasons why we make these articles. We want you, at the end of it to question yourself, to self-analyze and see what you can find out.

Number 15:Experiencing those “I love my life” moments
You felt them before, we’re sure of it. It’s those moments when reality meets your expectation of what your life should be like, even for a split of a second. Time slows down as you take everything in. In that moment you feel alive.

We’re addicted to those. Once you experience them, you feel the need to pursue them, to bring more of them into your existence.

The “I love my life” moments are an amazing way of keeping track of how your life is going. You can find them in both big things and in little moments if you look careful enough.

We hope you will have a rich life, not in terms of piles of money – although that can help with some of these – but in terms of these moments which make you feel alive.

As you realized from this title, we want to make a Part 2 of this series, but want you to recommend your version of little things to appreciate in life. Please leave your recommendations in the comments. We will go through all of them and pull out those who could make the cut.

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